Selasa, 28 November 2017

The Network Marketing Tools Scandal And How You Can Profit From It

Back in the early 80's when network marketing was really coming into its own, there was this big controversy over what they called the network marketing tools scandal.

Basically, successful distributors were creating these huge down lines and began monopolizing on that by selling books, CDs, tapes, memberships etc., to people on their existing teams as well as new people that signed up.

At one point, I think that some of these rouge mega- teams within their perspective MLM companies (a lot of this was happening without the knowledge of their MLM companies) started "requiring" people to purchase these tools for the development of their businesses.

This of course, made the people at the top of these mega-teams an enormous about of money but the fallout of this was that people in their down line were not able to duplicate their up lines success.

The reason being, they didn't have access to these network marketing "tools" and they were spending quite a bit of money trying to keep up with the monthly fees associated with having these tools on top of their regular monthly auto shop.

As a result, network marketing companies were surrounded by a level of mistrust as people began to believe that you couldn't make money in the actual MLM Company unless you could sell these tools, which back then, your average distributor had absolutely no way of creating these kinds of multiple streams of income type products.

Consequently, lawsuits were filed as it was argued that the network marketing tool business was considered illegal and unethical because the majority of these high-level distributors were actually making the majority of their money from the sales of these tools and not the products themselves.

The MLM industry today has since been regulated and distributors cannot require people to buy these business building tools.

Now the problem was not in the fact that the MLM platform didn't actually work to make people in the industry wealthy, because these people did build enormous organizations and they continue to make residual income 'til this day.

So the system works.

The problem wasn't even that they were selling other streams of income like books, CDs etc., to their teams. The real problem was in the fact that they were requiring people to purchase them!

Network Marketing Tools Today...

Now days, with the creation of the world wide web, and "instant access" technology, your average network marketer has access to a slue of products and services that can be offered to their customers and can be used to build multiple streams of income.

We also understand that the top producers in the MLM industry are that much more successful because of, not only their MLM company and products, but because they can offer other resources to their market and profit from them.

What was shunned in the past is now the norm for today's network marketer who wants to be financially successful- minus the forced prerequisite factor of course! =)

#1 Mistake of New Network Marketers.

The newbie network marketers fail to take advantage of marketing their own "tools" apart from their MLM business.


One reason is that they didn't even know they could...

They don't know how to find the right product tools..

They have no idea how to market it.

See, the hard fact is that 97% of the people you expose your MLM business to will say NO to your business. What you must have in place is a way to create income even if your prospect says "no thanks".

This is where your network marketing tools comes in.

If you can create a way to provide something of value to the prospect that is not interested in your opportunity, i.e. e-books, CDs, free training etc., you would not only still be able to make money, but if you do it right, that prospect will be more likely to join you when the timing is right for them because now you have given them something of value that they can benefit from.

They now KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you...

The 4 Profit Centers Of The Top Online Network Marketers:

The 4 profit centers (tools) you need to have in place to have a truly profitable business.

The purpose of having "profit centers" is to increase cash flow to your business. These are revenue streams that every top earner in the industry have in place in their MLM/home businesses right now, and you should too.

The fact is, it can be a lot easier to sell a product to someone than a business opportunity, and even easier to sell a biz op to an existing customer.

The following are 4 pure profit (you keep 100% of the profit) centers that you should have in place.

    Products that provide value to your niche.- All top earners sell their own stuff (Affiliate products)
    Continuity Revenue - Pays you ongoing or residual income even if someone drops out (Membership sites Ongoing coaching programs - Monthly webinars).
    High Ticket Revenue- Believe it or not, high ticket items ($1,000 and up) sell very well and It's easier to sell high ticket items to a current customer than a new one.
    Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity And Products

Lastly, your business opportunity that you can offer in order to build residual income and generational wealth.

No top earner just focuses on their biz opp...

They have valuable network marketing tools and products that they market that puts them in a leadership position which by default, attracts more people to them, that in turn results in more sign ups to their business opportunity.

Seriously, this is the formula for success!

They had the right idea back in the early 80's, they just took to the extreme and didn't teach others how they could do the same.

Network Marketing Tools - The Big Problem

Unfortunately, obtaining products and services like these is not an easy task, especially for the new MLM're. Not only do you have to own the products but you must be able to position them in away that will attract your target market, as well as find the time to implement all of this.

As an Online Marketer and MLM trainer and consultant, April Ray has helped hundreds of new business owners generate traffic, leads and sales for their home businesses as well as provide coaching to those who lack the skills and confidence to get started in building the business of their dreams.

Kamis, 09 November 2017

MLM Success Tips: Prospecting and Putting The Odds In Your Favor for MLM Success

Putting The Odds In Your Favor - Commonality Is Crucial

Winning Your Prospects' Hearts and Minds

When you boil it all down, down-line team-building is you asking someone to join your company and follow your lead.

They are making two decisions.

1) Do they see VALUE FOR THEMSELVES in your products, services or opportunity, and

2) Do they see YOU as a person who can LEAD them to achieving that VALUE.

These decisions are usually unspoken and often subconscious. Does it "feel" good or right?

If the answer is NO on either one, they are not signing up with you. If this sounds new or strange to you, think back about your own experience. You were making these two gut decisions, weren't you?

Did you sense a personal value in the benefits you could achieve through these products, services and opportunity?

Did the person who you joined impress you with his or her knowledge of the subject?

Did the person inspire you with their conviction and passion in the opportunity?

Of course they did or you would not have joined unless you were doing them a big favor.

A large factor in your decision was based on a sense of trust and credibility that you had in them, correct?

Therefore, anything you can do to increase your credibility in your prospect's eyes is good and puts the odds of a positive decision in your favor.

For example, I was once at a meeting when two firemen from different parts of the country were introduced to each other for the first time. They immediately began calling each other "Brother".

If a policeman, fireman, paramedic or veteran who just returned from war got up and started to speak, would he or she already have a level of credibility in your eyes?

Finding any source of credibility or commonality will increase your odds of winning their hearts and minds.

What To Look For?

Common background: part of the country you are from, school, military, home country, etc.

Common interests: sports, hobbies, religion, politics, entertainment, etc.

Common professional interests: similar current jobs, similar past jobs or careers, members of professional associations, etc.

In Summation:

You want to spend your time with people who are more likely to join your team. They are making that decision based on their feelings about value, trust and credibility. The more areas of common experience and interest you can uncover and share, the greater the likelihood of winning their hearts and minds to your products, services and opportunity. This is very easy to do yourself and easy to duplicate with your team.

Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Network Marketing Training: Prospecting - The Key To Doubling Your Network Marketing Success

The 3 Skills That Come First for Network Marketing Success
Presenting - telling the story.
Closing - bringing them to a decision.
Training - showing them how to duplicate the process.

At this point you are comfortable with your knowledge of the products, services and opportunity. You are ready to handle the Frequently Asked Questions with confidence. From this point on your Prospecting Skill will make the greatest difference in your success.

Prospecting: Quantity vs. Quality for Network Marketing Success

Your ability to grow your down-line quickly will be dependent upon the Quantity and Quality of your Prospects - the people to whom you spend the time to present. You can either see more people or more serious people or both.

Increased Quantity: If based on your Presenting & Closing Skills you are a 20% closer, you will close 2 out of every 10. A 30% closer will make 3 sales out of every 10 prospects. So, if you present 10 times a week, you will enroll 2-3 people on average per week. If you present 100 times a week, you will enroll 20-30 people per week. Therefore, by simply adding Quantity your enrollments will go up. Keep in mind however, this will also require a huge increase in the time you devote to your business, which you simply may not have. Therefore, your only way to increase your results by Increased Quantity will be to make presentations to much larger numbers of people at one time. It is not easy getting 5 people to a meeting or party. Imagine having to get 10-20!

Increased Quality: As the saying goes, "it takes two to tango". The pre-existing interest level of your prospects plays a huge role in your closing ratio. It is very difficult and time-consuming to convince people who are simply not interested in your offer. Plus, you don't want to be in the persuasion business, do you? On the other hand, if your prospect is already interested and searching for exactly what you have, your job becomes - getting the message out - educating the prospect & facilitating their purchase. In other words, the sale is half-way made before you open your mouth. An extreme example is a supermarket. Customers come in with lists (especially husbands) of exactly what they want to buy. Nobody needs to sell or persuade. The only question customers ask is, "what aisle is it in?"

In Conclusion

To the extent that you can get your message in front of the people who are already interested in your products, services and opportunity, your closing ratio should easily double from 20-30% up to 40-60%.

This is without spending any extra time on presenting. Imagine enrolling 10 people per week into your down-line - what will your income look like?! Hopefully, with that increased income you can quit your "I'm making somebody else rich" job, and put more time into your own business. Then you will be increasing both the Quality and the Quantity of your Prospecting and your results will soar.

Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Chaos and Confusion Should Not Rule Your Network Marketing Business

What is confusion and chaos have to do with network marketing? It stems from the fact that being unprepared to handle success or failure, and the vision can be very unclear. Vision is defined as the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be a prophetic vision; the vision of an entrepreneur (the definition is provided by Google). Once a vision is murky, chaos will try to reign supreme and failure will bring out its ugly head. It will be very easy to get confused on how to proceed from ground zero. It is difficult to anticipate the need of the business until demand has overran the perimeter.

It is very easy for new network marketing professionals to feel unprepared and unconfident in their actions. No matter how hard you prepare someone, a real environment is the only way to measure his or her ability and knowledge. It is difficult to run a business as is and having to create other aspects to help administrate it in a theoretic state and practical state can drive people to fear the business. It is with the power of truth and determination that we can provide the right level of assistance for our members. It is sad to realize that monetary gain can often blind us to the needs of our business. This causes problems that we do not have time to deal with. Avoid setting your intentions on financial gain and focus on being a solution to the problem.

Cutting corners is not OK in Network Marketing
Why then do some network marketing super heroes cause their untimely doom and gloom? They have learned to master the secret art of cutting corners. This powerful anti-tool was designed to help people lose more for a lot less. The next question is "How does cutting corners cause doom?" A marketing business was not meant to be cut and shaped to fit the image of our mind. It is us that we have to fit into the way of the business. Reducing the workload in critical errors will bring chaos and confusion, especially if the person is intending to sell the opportunity and nothing else in the business. It is a shame that diluting paperwork or necessary finger work to save a few seconds is more important than doing it right. This is why you will always find them with high attrition rates. Take the time to think before you reduce a process.

Selasa, 26 September 2017

The Secret to Becoming Successful In Network Marketing

I know most people believe there is a "Secret" to being successful in Network Marketing and if they could only find that secret that those who are successful, are trying to keep hidden, than they too can become successful.

Well, I hate to have to break it to you this way but there is no other way to say it.

Base yourself for this one.

The truth is, there really is no secret.

It's only a secret because you haven't discovered it yet. But relax, I'm about to share "the secret" with you.

But first let me tell you a story.

Last month we had my daughter's Sweet 16 party so now she is old enough to drive.

I took her out for her first lesson the other day.

She was super excited.

I was super afraid. Here I was, trapped in a car, with my 16 year old daughter, and she was about to have total control over the vehicle-and my life.

Now for you parents who have had this experience before you know that it is no joke sitting on the passenger side with a teenager who spends most of her days taking Selfies and sharing them on Instagram IN TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

In fact, at the time, she was wearing a t-shirt that read "Hold Up. Give me a Minute. I have to take this Selfie first."

OK, I digress.

Well, when she first got behind the wheel, she said, "I am finally going to learn the secret of driving a car."

Now, is driving a car a real secret?

Of course it's no secret.

But to her and the millions of teenagers who never experienced sitting behind the steering wheel of a car, it probably seems like some super mysterious secret.

Mainly because it is something they've never experienced before.

Well, after her first lesson (we survived, I might add), and returned back home, her first words was, "that was scary, but pretty easy."

That's exactly how you will feel the minute you discover the Secret to success in Network Marketing.

It might feel a little scary, but it's not really a secret. In fact, becoming successful will be pretty easy, one you learn what to do and get some experience doing it.

The reason it is not a secret is because there are tons of people who are already successful at doing it. They have discovered the secret.

Now, whether or not they have stumbled upon it by accident or actively sought after it, the thing is... they have discovered the Secret of being a successful Network Marketer and you can do.

The thing you must do to discover this secret, is to seek out successful network marketers and see what they are doing AND THEN DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

That's the secret.

See, I told you it wasn't really a secret.

But what exactly ARE they doing?

Well, think about it.

What do you see ALL successful folks in Network Marketing doing?

You don't see them harassing their friends and neighbors about their business opportunity.

You don't see them putting ads on parked cars offering their business opportunity now do you?

You don't see them begging folks to join their opportunity either.


Why is that?

Why are people chasing after them to be on their team?

Because they have established themselves as a leader.

In order to gain any sort of success in Network Marketing so you can be the one standing on that stage at your next convention YOU MUST ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS A LEADER.

Minggu, 10 September 2017

How To Create A Business Blueprint And Take Action To Start An Internet Business Working From Home

If you are trying to start your own internet business, you may have already experienced some confusion and felt overwhelmed at times. This is because in the beginning, there is just so much information out there that most new marketers get stuck in the rut of learning and never getting to the point of actually "doing". Way too much to absorb, with the realisation of how much there is to learn and do in order to set up your business can be totally daunting. Information overload, and on top of that, you are a target for other marketers trying to sell their products and convince you that their "thing" is for you.

In the beginning, you think you need everything as you don't know anything. You really have to be very careful about what you buy and from whom. There are so many people out there just trying to make a quick buck, whilst charging a fortune for a low quality and disappointing product.

It's important to create a plan or blueprint to help you achieve your goals.

A business needs three things to be successful:

time, focus, and resources

In an online business, there are 5 key areas that need to work in unison in order to make it work. These are:

· a great product or service

· consistent lead generation & list building

· consistent sales

· being organised, good administration

· constant personal growth and education in this rapidly evolving industry

A blueprint is necessary to know how to build a business in a specific order so that the outcome you wanted is achieved and all the components of running a business, mentioned above, work together. If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. It's as simple as that. As much as this sounds like another cliché, it's the truth!

How To Create your Blueprint:

1: Focus on & Define The Outcome You Want To Achieve

Start with the end goal in sight, and focus on this with clarity. Be specific and write down your end goal, such as "I want to increase my income by $1,000 a month," or whatever it is you want. Be realistic about what you want and build it up from there. Take steps as you go. For instance, don't start off by bluffing yourself that your goal is to make a million dollars in the next six months, or you won't believe it, and you will feel like you are lying to yourself about what you can achieve. Keep your big goals for a later stage, when you have already proven to yourself that you can make some money online. Specific goals drive specific actions to achieve those goals, so make sure your goal focuses on what you want, not what you do not want.

2: Create an Action-plan

In order for you to achieve your goal, you need a plan of how you are going to achieve it. It isn't possible to just sit back in front of the TV, thinking that you will be a millionaire in a year. You have to have an Action Plan and take ACTION! My life only started coming together once I had visualised a goal and made a plan of how I was going to achieve that goal. I knew I wanted to be wealthy, but I was not specific at all in exactly what I wanted and I didn't know how. Now that you have this report, you know how you can make a lot of money quickly. You just need to put it into action!

Most people don't have a plan because they don't know what they want.

Your plan should include tasks that you can do every day, in order to reach your goal. Use strong words, such as "I WILL write two articles every day", or "I WILL find a new way of getting leads this week and start doing trying it out". Specific goals call for specific actions.

3: Do Something For Your Business Every Day

Most people only work as hard as they have to, and most only work under pressure, to achieve a certain outcome. As humans, we need a burning desire to motivate us to do more. Take consistent action every day towards your ultimate goal. Remember "Rome wasn't built in a day". It takes time and effort to set up your business, but once it is set up, it will be so rewarding. At that point, all you will have to do is maintain it and add on extras here and there to make it even more successful.

Once you can visualise your GOALS and have a basic BLUEPRINT of how and what it is that you want to accomplish, you're ready to start taking ACTION to make your dreams come true and the laptop lifestyle your reality.

Take Action & Learn By Doing

Humans learn best by "doing". Someone can explain how to do something for hours, but until we actually try it out for ourselves, we do not get ahead in any way. For instance, someone can explain to you how to ride a bicycle, but until we actually get on the bicycle ourselves, and do as we have been instructed, we do not actually grasp the concept in full. You cannot learn to ride a bicycle from a manual. The same goes for running an internet business and making an online income.

The best way is just to get stuck in. Learn as you go, and you will find the information you need for specific things as you move forward in your online career. Find a mentor, or another successful marketer who resonates with you and follow them. Do what they did and still do, to make their millions. Purchase their products and sign up to their list. Follow them on social media and learn from them. Don't randomly purchase products from everyone who sends you something you think you may need. If you follow this advice, you will also avoid confusion. Everyone tells you something different and you end up listening to the advice of 10 people. Best to do your research and find someone whom you can relate to and follow that one person in the beginning. Once you know what you're doing, then you can expand and check out what others are up to in the field.

Most people are "passive", they drift along and go with the flow, day by day. Their lives aren't great, but they're okay. These people will remain average and are content with that. Another personality type are the "reactive" ones, without any plan or goal. These people respond to life; they don't create it, this is the worst type, as they are negative and feel like the world owes them something, but they are not prepared to go out and get what it is they desire and they are angry and aggressive with the hand that life has dealt them, not realising that it is within their power to change their own lives.

The opposite of these types are the "proactive" people who actively create the path that they want. They are the most successful and happy ones. They are in control. So, be a proactive person, and go out, take ACTION and get what you want!